We got most of the rooms unpacked, well at least the living room and kitchen. The library/office looks like a tornado went through as I am discovering that we don't have enough room for bookshelves. For the first time in fourteen years Mike and I need a dresser, as we don't have shelves in our closet. And the boys room definitely needs something, we're just not sure what.
The boys went back to Scouts this week and discovered that they don't have scouts together. Well at least for the next 5 weeks. Mikhail had his first scout camp-out. It was a hike in hike out, and he was rained on all night as his enclosure had a couple of gaps in it. His scout master said he was a great trooper, and never once complained about being wet and cold. He loved it, and can't wait for the next camp-out. Mat has a camp-out in a couple of weeks.
Both boys are now all registered for school and we have a football meeting for Mikhail on the 20th as he wants to play and it's a school sport. Mat of course is disappointed as he can't play this year.
I FINALLY got my Colorado Teaching License and have a teaching job fair this week. I've also made some lunch and coffee dates with my author friends who live here and can't wait to catch up with them.
Mike has gotten some interest in potential clients as a personal trainer and is hard at work on school.
This next week is a slow week for the family, but a busy one for me as I have something everyday.
Check back next Sunday for another update on our life in Colorado.
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