On April 24, 1999 a man and a woman became husband and wife
On May 2, 2001 a husband and wife became a mother and a father.
Two lost little boys with no family to call their own became brothers and sons.
On March 20, 2002 a judge legally made them a family
On April 20, 2002 a father and mother and two little boys entered the
Las Vegas temple and all dressed in white became an eternal family.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mat and the Spirit

The other day Mat and I were coming home from taking Mik to scouts and he asked me about the spirit. They had been watching The Seeker and so I guess it was on his mind. He asked me if the warm feeling in his heart was the spirit. I told him that it is and that it will let him know if things are true or not. He nodded his head and said that he thought so.

We have been so concerned about whether he would be able to comprehend the magnitude of being baptized, now I know that in his own way Heavenly Father has been preparing this special little boy for baptism.


Melissa said...

I tagged you. Check out my blog.

Cher said...

Hey there!
Its amazing how you can get in touch with a long lost friend. I am so glad that I have found your blog. I hope that we can keep in touch. We have let a lot of years pass us by. We have a lot of catching up to do.