On April 24, 1999 a man and a woman became husband and wife
On May 2, 2001 a husband and wife became a mother and a father.
Two lost little boys with no family to call their own became brothers and sons.
On March 20, 2002 a judge legally made them a family
On April 20, 2002 a father and mother and two little boys entered the
Las Vegas temple and all dressed in white became an eternal family.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Can I just say that I am exhausted. 4 days of moving and cleaning has made me very tired. I am so tired that I could barely do my job. I am hoping that I by tomorrow night I will be good.

On the upside, my entire house is clean, and unpacked.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Yes I am one of those kind of people

It was moving week-end at our house. We got our keys on Thursday and I had to work on Friday, luckily I only teach 3 periods, but my day starts at 6am, so Mike took me to school, and then kept the boys home from school, and they started at 7am and had all the boxes moved over by the time that they picked me up from school. We then spent the afternoon unpacking all the boxes that were brought over.

On Saturday the guys from our church showed up at 9am however the truck was late so while we waited they pulled every piece of furniture out of the apartment and put it in the parking lot. By 11 am the apartment was empty and we began unpacking.

It is now Sunday night at 6pm and I have not got a single box in my house. I do have somethings in the garage and I have misplaced a CD case with about 100 cds in it, but other than that we are done.

Now it it back to real life, I have lesson plans to create and homework to do. I know that everyone wants pictures of the new house. I promise that I will get those up as soon as I find the camera.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's Official

We signed the papers and got the keys today. We have a house. We are very excited.

Today was a very full day as Mike was sworn in today as an officer.

Will post more after the move.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Family Pics sneek peak

We took family pictures today and our amazing photographer already has some up on her blog. Here is a link to her blog to see the pictures. Also take some time to check out her other stuff. She is one talented lady.


I got the email last night. We have a house. WE LOVE IT!!!

We have looked at hundreds of houses in the last year, there have been a lot that we liked, however none that we loved. When we decided on which house to put an offer on, we decided that it was a house that we could live in for a couple of years and then sell.

Then everything happened this week and our stress level went through the roof. So on Tuesday morning Mike and I went driving around the neighborhood back behind our apt., we saw a for sale sign with a for rent sign attached. I called the number that night and left a message. We hadn't heard from them so I made some appointments to see some other houses. After I had made the appointments I got a call about this house. So I made the appointment to see it.

We went and looked at the other houses and I was disgusted. The were horrible. We then went and looked at this house. As soon as we walked in we all felt like we had come home. We told them that we would love to rent it, and if possible lease to own it.

Last night we got the email saying that it is ours. So this week is going to be a madhouse as we finish packing and move. I will post pictures as soon as we have moved in.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Move Update

So we still don't have a house. Our mortgage lady called us yesterday and told us that the amount that we could get was suddenly $50k less than what we were originally told. Then all the big banks decided that they are going to be in financial trouble and suddenly the amount that we have to put down has doubled. Are you kidding me!! Mike is in Law Enforcement and I am a teacher, not exactly the richest professions in the world right. So now 10 days before moving day we have no house and are now looking for a rental. As we were advised to get a rental and wait a year for things to get stabilized in the market.

So now after months of working on our mortgage we are back to having to rent a house. So yesterday morning Mike and I went driving around looking for FOR RENT signs. We found one taped to a FOR SALE sign. It is in the neighborhood that we want, so that's good, and if we decided that we want to buy it in a year when everything hopefully settles down we can for the principle of the house. We have a couple of other houses that we are going to look at however we really want the one by us. We'll have to wait and see I guess.

All I know is that I paid my tithing this week, and we have to move. We are putting our trust in Heavenly Father that we will be led to the right home, and everything will work out okay.

Monday, September 15, 2008


It is 12:30 at night I have to get up in a couple of hours to go to work, however every time I close my eyes all I can think about is all the stuff that is going on.

We have 15 days to be out of our apt, we have no clue where we are going. We have narrowed the house search down to two houses however we can't make an offer because we haven't heard from our mortgage lady in couple of days. We swore that we wouldn't ever let it get this close again when it came to our mortgage however guess what it did. I am going to call our realtor tomorrow and see if one of the houses is a turn key and if we can do a lease to own for 6-12 months.

Little Mik is driving me crazy, he absolutely hates change and stress however that is all that is going on at our house. He has decided that I am his personal verbal punching bag.

I may or may not be going full-time at work starting tomorrow or rather today, I can barely keep my head above water as it is between work, school, Mike, the boys.

Mike has put in for a promotion that will mean a whopping 50 cents more an hour, but he will lose out on OT, not that we have had any of that in almost a year. The crappy thing about the promotion is that he has almost gotten enough seniority amongst the officers to get Sundays off, however if he gets the promotion he will have mon-tues off.

Okay enough of my bitching...I paid my tithing today, I have to trust that Heavenly Father will guide us to where we need to be and help us find a home in the next week.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's State Fair Time

This is Phyliss the State Fair Mascot

It's September and here in NM that means State Fair Time. So yesterday we picked the boys up early from school and went to be the Friday night rush. We normally have gone on Wednesday afternoon as that was Mike's day off however as he currently has Friday's off we went yesterday.

We had a blast, between the food and the rides and all the booths it was a lot of fun. We even walked away with 2 Christmas gifts.
Mike, Mik and Mat horsing around waiting for the first show to start

A diving show that we have to see every year. The following pics are also of the show.
A new thing at the fair this year a living statue, the boys thought this was cool.

There were a lot of exotic and not exotic animals at the fair this year. So of course we had to see them all.

There will be more fun pics later as I have to go do the teacher thing now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Foot Update

I just came from the podiatrist and I have a pinched nerve in middle toe. So I got two count them TWO cortisone shots. If you haven't ever had one let me just tell you that they hurt like HELL!!! I am in a half boot and am still on the crutches for the next two weeks. Oh well what dos kill you only makes you stronger.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mat's checkup

Mat had a check up today. His white blood cell count in his urine is 2. That is the best it has ever been. Dr. Miller was very happy. Mat goes into the hospital next month for his yearly round of tests, They have added a new one this year. Depending on what those tests show he will either continue the medication or have surgery, in which he will be in the hospital for a week.

Monday, September 8, 2008

It must be September

5 years ago when we first moved to New Mexico there was this smell everywhere we went, that we couldn't figure out. We finally asked someone and they told us it was the chile's being roasted. We so didn't get it. Fast forward five years and we can hardly wait for September because that means that the green chile's are ready for roasting and that means Green Chile Chicken Cheese Stew. Yummy. In fact that is what is on the menu tonight.
This can be found at every grocery store in NM plus at all the farmers markets.

For those that want a taste of NM here is the recipe.

3 Chicken Breasts
1/2 Onion
3 celery stalks
3 carrots

3 green chili's
4 cloves of garlic

Cut the vegetables into large pieces and place in a pan with the chicken breasts with a lot of water and salt. Let cook between 1-2.5 hours. Take chicken breasts out and shred. Place the vegetables in a food processor with a little liquid from pan. Add 3 roasted chili peppers. Puree. Drain broth from pan to get out all the little bits you don't want. Add half the broth back into the pan, add the pureed vegetables, and the chicken. In a separate bowl pour about 1 pint of heavy cream add corn starch and combine, once all the corn starch is dissolved add to the broth, add in 2 packages grated cheese. Let simmer, about 30 minutes. Serve with warm tortillas.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mom's on crutches

So the other day I woke up and my foot was hurting, I didn't pay to much attention to it and went on my day. The next day it was worse so I pulled out the boot from the last time my foot felt like this. I had open house that night and was on my foot, by the time I got home I was in a massive amount of pain. Wednesday I had to teach and so I was on my foot, the pain was so bad that yesterday I gave in and called the dr. I have to go to a podiatrist, they think that I have nerve and tendon damage. So I am on crutches until the pain goes away and I have to change all of my shoes, no more heels, no more flip flops. Mike wasn't happy as that means I get to replace all those shoes with new ones Yeah ME.


Answer the following

The Five

Ten Years Ago
1. I was just starting back to college after serving my mission
2. I had just started a new job
3. I was planning a road trip to Phoenix
4. I had just moved out of my parents house
5. I was enjoying life

Five Things On My To Do List Today
1. Grade papers
2. Catch up on papers to grade
3. Do my homework
4. Catch up my blogs
5. GO on a date with Mike and some friends of ours

Five Snacks That I Enjoy
1. Chocolate
2. Chips and salsa
3. chips and dip
4. veggies and dip
5. fruit and dip

Five Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire
1. Pay off my debts
2. Buy a couple houses
3. Create trust funds for the boys for college, mission and whatever
4. Give a few bucks to family
5. Lasik and the mommy makeover

Five Places I Have Lived
1. Cedar City Utah
2. Henderson NV
3. Encarnacion Paraguay
4. Seattle WA
5. Albuquerque NM

Five Jobs I Have Had
1. Hostess at Peter Piper
2. Receptionist
3. AP/AR
4. Substitute Teacher
5. Teacher

I Tag:
1. Kim
2. Emily
3. Michelle
4. Cher
5. Christy

Rules:Each player answer the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags five people and post their names, then goes to their blog and posts a comment letting them know that they have been tagged and ask them to read your blog. Let the person know that tagged you that you have answered their questions on your blog......Good luck