On April 24, 1999 a man and a woman became husband and wife
On May 2, 2001 a husband and wife became a mother and a father.
Two lost little boys with no family to call their own became brothers and sons.
On March 20, 2002 a judge legally made them a family
On April 20, 2002 a father and mother and two little boys entered the
Las Vegas temple and all dressed in white became an eternal family.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What a day...

So the day started off with me stressing about the fact that I thought that grades were due today, and I hate the gradebook that I have to use. I can't look at the grade book at a glance and see what assignments are missing and what aren't so that I have open every single assignment and when there are 22 assignments it is very annoying. So then I think that I have it, and come to find out I have told all my students there wrong grades.

Then I go to pick the boys up, and discover that Mike forgot to pick them up from school. He realized it an hour after school got out. Luckily a friend of ours had had to go back to school and saw them. She then tried for 20 min to get a hold of either me or Mike. I had left my cell phone at home and so I never got the messages until I got home from getting the boys. Unable to get a hold of Mike the boys told her where they go on Weds. and so she took them there and even dropped her own kids off there.

When Mike realized that he had forgotten them, he felt like crap, and has been beating himself up all day. At least when I have forgotten them I am only 5 min late. But hey these things happen.

They boys had scouts tonight, when I pulled out of the driveway I backed into a car parked across the street. Of course there was no damage to their car but I dented in corner of my back bumper. I am so upset.

Oh well that is life....crap happens. At least no one was hurt.

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