On April 24, 1999 a man and a woman became husband and wife
On May 2, 2001 a husband and wife became a mother and a father.
Two lost little boys with no family to call their own became brothers and sons.
On March 20, 2002 a judge legally made them a family
On April 20, 2002 a father and mother and two little boys entered the
Las Vegas temple and all dressed in white became an eternal family.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Laman and Lemuel vs Nephi

Have you ever wondered why it was so important to have the story of Laman and Lemuel and Nephi in the Book of Mormon? Until this week I have never wondered this or applied this to my life.

I have made no bones about the fact that I have suffered occasions of extreme doubt over our move to Vegas and why we have to move there, instead of New England where we really wanted to go and where Mike had some amazing opportunities career wise.

However I have gone along with it, applied to be a teacher (was hired however my license doesn't transfer and so I have to sub for one more year), got an apartment (and got an amazing deal on it also), and have begun the look for new doctors for Mat (he still needs to see a team of doctors for the next several years).

I have done all this with a definite Laman and Lemuel attitude. They left Jerusalem with the family and went into the wilderness, when the opportunity presented itself not once but twice to return to Jerusalem, they never once considered staying. They knew that their father was a prphet of God, they had faith in him, however they also murmered because they didn't want to go. I have become my version of Laman and Lemuel, wanting to know why we had to move back to Vegas, why it was so important. Doing the things that I needed to do, however not willingly, and with much procrastination.

On Friday, while I was talking to a friend about the move and doing my normal cripping about it, she mentioned the scripture in Ether about faith (we all know which one I am talking about), and I light bulb went off in my head, I have been acting like Laman and Lemuel instead of acting like Nephi. At that moment I decided that I need to change my attitude, I needed to stop acting like Laman and Lemuel and start acting like Nephi, I need to have the attitude that I will go and do.

It hasn't been easy, when people ask me about the move I have to say in my mind I will go and do. This has made all the difference.

At church today a sister was asking me about the move and how I felt about it, so I told her and she asked how I am dealing with it, and so I told her about my new attitude. She then told me that one of her daughters and her husband are having the same thing happen to them, however in the opposite. They have just finished school and want to leave the state that they are living in desperately, however every time that they pray about leaving they are told no they are to remain where they are. She told me that when she got home from church today she was going to call her and tell her about my thougths on the matter.

Back to my original thought, the conclusion that I came to was that the reason that Laman and Lemuel and their murmuring was in the Book of Mormon, as well as the fact that they did do what was asked of them, was because the Lord knew that there would come a time in each of our lives where we would have Laman anf Lemuel moments.

So from here on out my new creed is I will go and do and trust in the Lord, no matter what happens.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Yeah, I was none too excited about moving down to McAllen and everything just fell into place and it's been great for us. I had been excited about moving to Gainesville (the area I lived in while single) and everything went wrong with that move, I think largely to humble me and prepare me tp accept the move to McAllen.