On April 24, 1999 a man and a woman became husband and wife
On May 2, 2001 a husband and wife became a mother and a father.
Two lost little boys with no family to call their own became brothers and sons.
On March 20, 2002 a judge legally made them a family
On April 20, 2002 a father and mother and two little boys entered the
Las Vegas temple and all dressed in white became an eternal family.

Friday, November 2, 2007

the golden compass

Okay so I am sick and tired of all of the emails that I have been getting about the The Golden Compass and how it is about killing God. I have read the book and no where in teh book deos it talk about that. Oh and how the girls mother wants to kill her. Well I'm sorry there are parents out there that could care less about their kids (mik's bio mom). I fell that if you haven't read the book than shut up because everybody that I have talk to about it that has read the booksay the same thing it isn't about kiling God.

Okay I feel better

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