On April 24, 1999 a man and a woman became husband and wife
On May 2, 2001 a husband and wife became a mother and a father.
Two lost little boys with no family to call their own became brothers and sons.
On March 20, 2002 a judge legally made them a family
On April 20, 2002 a father and mother and two little boys entered the
Las Vegas temple and all dressed in white became an eternal family.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

It has been an eventful week

It has been an eventful week here at our house.

Mike was in the ER on Tuesday with a torn esophagus, apparently when he had his radiation therapy years ago, the radiation damaged his esophagus. However no one has ever bothered to check it. Until this week. For the last couple of years he has had a hard time swallowing his food when he eats, so on tuesday we were at lunch and his food got lodged in his esopagus and as a result he kept trying to throw it up. Because of the damage done previously he couldn't and so he began throwing up blood. It was sever enough that we had to go to the ER. I do have to say that it does pay to have had cancer and to have a blood disorder, because we went to the front of the line. By the time they were finished running all sorts of tests on him and determined what course of action that they needed to take, and he had woken up from the drugs that he had been given it had only been a couple of hours, so we left through the ER and there were half of the people that had gotten there before us still waiting to be seen and we were done. So Mike has to go back to the dr in 6 weeks for them to start trying to repair the damage that the radiation had done to his esophagus.

I have been working lately on my book which is the first in a series. So I had written enough to send it on to someone in the publishing world and to get an opinon on the story and they loved it. This person normally doesn't read the genre that I write but she said that my story sucked her in, and she can hardly wait to read more. Talk about pressure, but I am excited. Hopefully I will have it done by the end of the summer.

The boys are doing great. Mik came home from school the other day and told me that once school gets out for the summer he will be in the 3rd grade. I am not old enough to have a 3rd grader. Mat is growing so tall. He is now almost 2 inched taller than Mik, his mohawk doesn't help matters either.

We have been house hunting and it is a very daunting process, especially as we are on a time limit. Oh well, hopefully we will find something soon.

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